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What is Insurance?

Insurance is an entity of financial risk management that is created to provide protection from any financial loss. It is primarily used as a fence against the risk of a contingent or uncertain loss in life. The loss may or may not be financial, but it can be weighed in financial terms. In simple words, insurance is a contract or policy, through which an individual or entity gets financial protection or reimbursement against losses from an insurance company.

In order to select the best insurance policy for you, it is important to pay attention to the three critical components of every insurance policies, which are the deductible, premium, and policy limit

Types of Insurance

Life Insurance

Life Insurance is a policy or contract between an insurance holder and an insurer  where the latter promises to pay a designated sum of money to the family on the death of the insured person. Depending on the policy, other events such as critical illness or accidental policy can also be added to trigger the payment. The policyholder pays a premium on a regular or lump sum basis.

General Insurance

General Insurance or non-life insurance is a policy that covers health expenses, and secured losses on non-life entities such as automobiles, homes, machinery, or any physical entity. This policy provides payments depending on the loss from any particular financial event. General insurance is typically defined as any insurance that is not determined to be life insurance. 

Benefits of Insurance

Financial Security

Insurance provides financial support and reduces uncertainties that you may face at any step of your lifecycle.

Future Safety

An Insurance is able to protect your future lifestyle by securing you from every loss that can disturb your financial life.


You can cover almost every entity at a very low premium rate with a high coverage amount. It is highly affordable.

Easy Process

Whether you are familiar or unknown with the insurance, getting insurance is a really non-complex and easy process.

Wide Variety

Insurance comes in all different sizes and as per your requirement, so you cover any valuables in the desired way.

Peace Of Mind

When you are financially secured from every uncertainty of the coming future, you attain a greater peace of mind in your life.